2012. január 20., péntek


Greetings to you!

Be informed that I have packaged and deposited with
$750,000,00 USD for Delivery to you, when I went to
Africa. You can receive it on my behalf contact FedEx
Delivery Company with your address and shipment code
below for Re-confirmation.

Here is your parcel REGISTRATION NUMBER {CPEL/OWN/9876}
once again, Insurance and delivery charges have been
paid for, but the only fee remaining is the security
safe keeping fee of which you will be required to pay
before delivery.

And note that FedEx Services will be responsible for
your delivery,as soon as you contact them. For your
information the only money you will send to the FedEx
Courier Service to deliver your Draft direct to your
postal Address in your country is ($170.US) Dollars
only being Security Keeping Fee of the Courier Company
so far.

Again, don't be deceived by anybody to pay any other
money except $170. Dollars. I would have paid that but
they said no because they don't know when you will
contact them and in case of demur-rage.

You have to contact the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE now for
the delivery of your Draft with this information below;

Contact Person
Mr.Johnson Benjamin
Contact Email: fedex-express04@msn
Direct telephone: +234-8072498606

1) Full Name:
2) Home/address:Country:
3) Telephone:
4) Occupation:
5) Age:
6) Postal Code:

Sorry if you received this letter in your spam,Due to
recent connection error. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mrs.Merry Anderson
United Nations Organization (UN) Dept.

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