2012. június 7., csütörtök

KMSF - February 2012 Newsletter

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June 2012 Newsletter

In This Issue

School News
Barny's Desk
Upcoming Events
CrossFit News
Member of the Month


KMSF Website [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XqfkEYdsivgc5BkVs7jeSAqsHnbTqGL6aUP9HdZartiAT1ShAo4s1BPywbOzyQNt_kPRqAlvP4Hb1KWmQ45Or_gFSL6qqn7AyiYSozfsykYmpXQh5IvVNA==]
Current Schedule [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XqfkEYdsivicwXffTcBes217FQ4UzLfM8r90T9VXw69AkOSWB2XbHD_urwtXZYrPFgQoKAgd3lNiTfDXhwyCw8FDF_Ja9PVSxBEYTVLS9Ad9QaCw2obM-Cxbp4sh6RqxyI22FjBLlGd-SumYOyvoDQ==]
Crossfit KMSF [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XqfkEYdsivioKo5UQ4ao2oC1SxoKVT5eqNz2ns39jq0ZwUep3PqRIsOfneXSfzajV3-CrkimrPSX4BHHkd1ee7u_eq-BuaW7D9Y0hVNvK0Q-K67TKSs4UA==]
KMSF Facebook [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XqfkEYdsivjb-o2iQ5nWmapCaIUK6De74HYWyCrvIShG_EaqCwM5QZfG21ed6gFFdA3TVzcP3ZH9IVt6IaCbarAD1qTXlCEwFpvo57tBfx2zr-Qfux-4RzIVpCYo3choQpAkoBWl36TNbKwbuiMPqtrOTfIQKW8i3eYcgWqZ-KA=]

School News

Lana is Back
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Saturday 1PM-2PM
classes open to all members
we are talking to Lana about adding a class one evening
and we could use your input [mailto:info@kravmaga-sf.com] as to day and time
What is CrossFit?
Have you wondered what goes on in a CrossFIt Class?
Come and find out
Intro to CrossFit
Saturday June 30
Sign-Up space is limited
We had 2 belt tests last month
everyone PASSED
Yellow Belt Test
Orange Belt Test

Barny's Desk

From Barny's Desk

Fight or flight is usually an animal instinct but what about people?

Recently, I read an article with this quote from a police officer

"people should not fight back when being attacked,

they should just give up whatever it is that the mugger wants".

I understand where that logic comes from, as most people aren't taught

the self defense techniques needed to react to a physical attack.

Without that knowledge fighting back can make the situation worse.

There has been an explosion of smart phone thefts in every city in the world.

According to the Wall Street Journal in San Francisco there are hundreds

reported every month, in New York over a thousand.

I see people everyday on every block walking around distracted by talking,

texting, or listening to music on their smart phones. This makes it very easy

for thieves to know you have one and know where it is for a quick and easy grab.

Since summer is here and we will all be spending more time outside

I would add to that officers advice by telling you to

BE AWARE of your surroundings when walking around the city.

Stay safe and avoid being a victim by putting your cell phone away,

be observant to who is around you, who is heading in your direction,

where can you go if you feel threatened. Make eye contact with people

to let them know that you are not distracted and will not be taken by surprise.

SO go out have a great summer and STAY SAFE by STAYING AWARE

Upcoming Events

June 16th

Krav Maga @ The Pound West


2200 Wood Street

Oakland, Ca


Bar Fighting


defense against bottles, chairs, knife, gun, stick

basic fighting skills

3rd party protection

Reserve your space NOW [mailto:info@kravmaga-sf.com]

Members $99

Non-Members $129


NO Krav Maga Experience needed

June 30th

What is CrossFit?


Intro to CrossFIt


sign-up space is limited [mailto:info@kravmaga-sf.com]

July 7th

Green Belt Test


CrossFit News

from Kat
We have a busy summer ahead for the Crossfit squad. Races,
competitions and fund-raisers, just to mention a few. We are
training hard and excited about what is on the horizon.
Speaking of summer being upon us, who doesn't want to feel lean and
strong in those warm weather clothes? The boys and girls of the
basement have been working hard for the past few weeks on their
pull-ups. Pulling yourself up over something is a basic function of
fitness. The capacity to do multiple pull-ups compliments all other
athletic endeavors. And, why not have great looking arms and
shoulders while wearing a tank top? When you train for function, form
will follow.
If this perks your interest, make your way down to the basement and
talk to one of the coaches about getting started with Crossfit.

Member of the Month

Tim Kinney

When and how did you first hear about Krav Maga?
I heard about Krav Maga sometime in the late 1980's. Either a high school friend
of mine had just come
back from a couple months in Israel and told me about it, or it's mentioned in that
Leon Uris book Exodus.
How long have you been a member and what level have you reached?
I joined in October 2010 and I've reached level two.
What's your favorite aspect about training at KMSF?
I'm going to have to cheat on this answer because I have two favorite things, which
is like saying your
favorite flavor ice cream is Neapolitan. There's the variety: the variety of drills
each instructor runs
us through in class, and the variety of classes offered. I get bored easily. I haven't
been to a single
boring class since I've joined. Then there's combination of good people and good
training. I've trained
at a few places that offered challenging, physically intense classes and practical
self defense, and a
few places with a community of decent people. But this is the first school I've
been to that has
brought the two together.
What's your favorite class and why?
Fight. It's exciting, unpredictable, and humbling.
What's your most memorable training story?
I was sparring a more competent fighter and thought I saw an opening to land a flashy
I threw myself into the technique and got the chance to practice a high front fall
break. He was
nice enough to say I hit him in the thigh.
What's your life like when you're not taking classes?
Generally, I drink tea, walk the dogs, and listen to NPR with my wife. But at least
one weekend
a month I put on about fifty pounds of padding, say awful things, and attack students
in self defense
classes run by a non-profit called Impact. I'm kind of a moving, trash-talking heavy
bag. The
principles of the class would be familiar to anyone in Krav- using large muscle
groups, training
from disadvantageous or surprising situations, inflicting immediate pain and pressing
the attack. KMSF
occasionally rents space to Impact, and you'll sometimes see me waddling around
the school dressed
like a deformed hillbilly. If it sparks your curiosity, ask me about it.

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